It has been three freaking years since we holidayed. Sure we've had the odd weekend away here and there - here and there being scattered very intermittently between those 1095+ days. Count that on your fingers, twice.
The Doctor was about two and a half, Tiny's age now. He loved trawling the beach with my parents, looking for shells, or any matter of seaside souvenirs.
Ah for a family holiday.
I'd dig that, fo' shiz.
Dunk Island. I'd slam dunk that for shizzle.
The last real holiday was with my Mum and Dad in Byron. Tiny was a wee little speck in my belly. We spent a blissful fortnight in Byron Bay. Let's face it, any amount of time spent beachside is blissful. And any time on holidays is ridiculously awesome.
The Doctor was about two and a half, Tiny's age now. He loved trawling the beach with my parents, looking for shells, or any matter of seaside souvenirs.
When I think holidays I think of all the time I can spend hanging with my smalls - as opposed to juggling work commitments, and above all - domestic duties. I can't remember any time on holidays having to spend extended periods of time tidying or cleaning. Halleluljah!
Holidays, I think, always bring out everyone's cruisy side. Don't feel like cooking? Ace - let's meander our way along the beachfront to fish & chips and watch the waves roll in. I also like holidays with no TV. In fact, I love holidays with no TV. It's prime territory for board games, chatting, reading, lolling about, dreaming, and one of my favourite past-times ever - sleeping.
Even when you arrive home from a holiday you can carry that relaxed feeling for at least a couple of weeks. And once it's worn off, and your tan is nothing but a memory, and the only reminder that you holidayed was some stray sand in the bottom of your bed, some well placed photos to remind you of that time away together, existing, living, enjoying, adventuring, loving can give you an instant hit of holiday. Oh for a holiday.
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