Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Gareth Malone: Art of Teaching

Did you watch Gareth Malone's Extraodinary School for Boys on ABC1 last night? If not, you totes missed out. He is amazing. Catch it on iView if you can - it's a brilliant prgram. Particularly if you have boys.


Sarah said...

Yes I watched it... I have three boys... I am convinced he is in the right direction but I also think there is more to it than just educting them. They need to be eating the right no processed/chemical/additive etc food. Be getting enough sleep each night so on and so forth. I feel he is going to be hitting a wall all the time unless the whole situation is looked at.

SO I think he is in the right direction but it needs sharpening with also how he offers the information for them to learn without realising they are learning... Will be interesting to watch.

There is SO MUCH research about this out there - I wonder how much he has filled himself up with - because I can see things missing...

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

i'm gonna hit this up tonight!

ann said...

I was just going to watch a moment or two before heading up to bed but damn you ...I watched the whole freaking thing. I am a high school teacher and mom of two boys and two girls. It just all rings too true. Education needs someone outside of the education field to shake a few branches and try new ideas. Really we all want the same things for the kids but they are all so different , the kids that is, so varied approaches are needed. I would have loved Mr. Malone as my teacher....or to have taught my boys. My sons always graviated to their male teachers, the women were too nuturing. They didn't need another mom. I'll be checking in to see future episodes as it eluded to them at the end of the show.