Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Let's Discuss: Breastfeeding

image source: Daughter of the Sun
I posted this photo on my Facebook page tonight. And it created much debate. And then it got deleted.

I am only hazarding a guess that someone found it offensive, flagged it, and Zuckerberg pulled it down. Ripped it straight off my PMM wall - blu tac and all, took all the comments and *POOF* it's gone.

It might not be everyone's style of breastfeeding, but I think it's pretty rad. If I could headstand, starkers, I'd be doing it in a flash.

Bon appetit baby. Bon appetit.


Mon Alisa Design said...

Well I certainly can't speak for others however I think it's pretty cool too. She's got a rocking figure and hey, that's what boobies are for.

I'd be tempted to put a pair of nanna knickers on her though...just for shits and giggles :)

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I don't find it offensive at all.

Han & Moo said...

Check out the "Respect the Breast" page on FB. I think you will like their argument. FB needs to get a grip. X

Kate Moore said...

Now, that's multitasking - and, damn, I missed the great debate on Facey.

Jasmine said...

There's way more explicit photos on fb, with a whole lot of boob and often of teenagers and not a baby in sight. THOSE are the boobs that need removing.
I like that picture and, not ashamed to say, very jealous!

Nicole Harry said...

That right there, that is a skill! Awesome.

Lady Moss said...

Look at his little baby rolls sooooo cute and squishy!

Small Catalogue said...

It is offensive that that is seen as offensive.

Shontelle said...

That is mental - I was just freaked out by a photo of a kitten being vivesectioned that a friend posted on her wall...and the breastfeeding acrobat gets pulled?? WTF?

Rowantree Design said...

I'm very impressed. That picture should be on a huge billboard." Life is beautiful"

Bianca said...

haha love it.

poo poo the censors.


Daughter of the Sun said...

ALoha! Thank you all for your beautiful voices! I found the photo here and wanted to share my original post about the photo.

SO much love to all of you amazing breast feeding mamas!!
* please give credit if you see this photo elsewhere! Aloha! xx amy