Thursday, 26 January 2012

Well. That Was Ugly.

Well last night took a very different turn, and I can say with every inch of truth in my bones, I innocently posted that image - and overnight it caused a freaking riot on my Facebook page.

Let's recap:

- someone threatened to report me to the AFP for posting an image of a woman breastfeeding

- I got told I was a hippy feminist AND that I am a paedophile

- apparently my friends have low intelleck (sic)

- I was told I was a coward and a communist

- I got told I was Hitler

-  And I am the one who got a very firm rap over the knuckles from FB for posting the shot of the woman breastfeeding

Did I threaten anyone? Harass anyone? Bully anyone? No. I just stuck a photo that I loved on Facebook and the troll patrol came out in force.

Well screw them.
I stand my ground. Breastfeeding is natural and awesome and beautiful and brilliant - if you can do it.
Breasts. Made for Milk.
PS - image by Picasso - of a woman *gasp* breastfeeding


Anonymous said...

If that was the reaction of your 'friends', I think you need to do some massive unfriending and find new, smarter friends. Breastfeeding is a natural bodily function and is nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to hide away from perving eyes.

Siobhan said...

Posting a pic of someone breastfeeding while standing on their head = femo, commo, peado, Nazi FB offender?


Wendy said...

Oh, dear. I've got your back on this one, for what it's worth. Sorry the Stupids got you down.

Mon Alisa Design said...

Oh hon, I had a squiz just before bed and was horrified. I can't understand why the topic of breast feeding causes such a hullabaloo. It's utter bullshit. It also happened on a mummy forum I was part of years ago.....They used to turn on eachother! I found it so sad and completely unnecessary.
As far as those nasty comments, unfortunately there are some horrid people who delight in online spats. They get a kick out of it. I'm sure that alot of them couldn't give a rats arse on the topic at hand. They just wanted to stir the pot. Sometimes it's best not to "feed the animals" by retaliating. Just let their stupidity speak for itself. And man, did it ever!
I'm sad this had to happen to you sweets. Your a rockin', wonderful, funny and inspirational lady. Your readers love what you do and come to your page to give themselves a little pick me up (I know I do). It was horrible to see these pricks try and knock you down. Seriously, My 4 year old behaves better....and that says alot!
Take care lady. You are the bomb x

Rachael @Mogantosh said...

Unbelievable. I saw a bit of it but not that guy who apparently posted over and over. What a FREAK. I can't believe you got gatecrashed by the nutters. And so sad that only in such a distasteful, horrible thread are there all these men, suddenly. The good ones are out there reading too, I'm sure. But the only time I've ever been crucified in comments there were a huge number of men. Yet the normal supportive, reasoned and kind voices of blogland are almost entirely female. Sad.

Amy said...

that's right - screw them and their silly opinions.

THAT"S WHAT BREASTS ARE FOR! for goodness sake!

Oh babies of this world. You've got a lot ahead of you in this crazy time.... Nourish yourself on your mama's boobies and get some brain strength. You're gonna need it!


Anonymous said...

That's so horrible! Breastfeeding is natural and seeing photos of it is fantastic for both mothers who have BF and people who want to in the future.

You're so right standing your ground - I'd love to see the photo!

Jasmine said...

I'm so appalled by the idea that being naked in front of your own child is paedophile behaviour. If that's true practically every single mother ever would be in big trouble.

Dolores said...

I wonder if the comments from those men would have been the same if you posted pictures of Miranda Kerr breastfeeding?

Kate Moore said...

What? Picasso? Pervert! ;)

Cassandra said...

I breastfeed my 10 month old bubba ... it's one of the most natural things we have left in the world! Sadly our world has become far too sexualised. Even my own mother feels uncomfortable when I feed, but that's her issue and something she needs to get over! She never says anything, but I can sense her awkwardness.
Some people are unfortunately absolute neanderthals! Sorry you copped such flack.
The image is beautiful!

teddybearswednesday said...

I'm shocked i have to say at the comments you got Lexi.
IT's totally weird isn't it, how your put breastfeeding/that picture together with Nazism is an interesting equation.
go you xo

suzy said...

I don't understand how you could be called all those awful things because a woman was breast feeding her child.
It's beautiful and natural.
Our little children are so young and learn from us. If we are diving for cover trying to hide our bits the only message I am passing on is be ashamed of your body and hide it. What a wrong message to send, especially to my little girl.
I am proud of my boobs. My working boobs. They fed my kids a year each. When one is heading east and one west when I lay down and don't remain the mountain range they used to be, I just think well they did my children good. My husband loves them and my kids pat them.
No judgment if you can't breast feed but nobody should be called any names for having a choice or admiring that choice.
I am sorry that happened to you Lex. You are a bloody delight and fantastic person.

Katrina@capturingmoments said...

I love this picasso...have the study sketch of it hanging in my nursery. Amazes me that it offends people.

Lady Moss said...

Are you seriously kidding me right now? Insanity! So much going on in the world that needs our attention than breastfeeding like really? I'm shocked! Good on you for sticking to your guns!

shine little light* said...

Thats some crazy shit PMM. And so wrong in the face of the hideous facebook groups out there eg. pippa middleton and her ass.
Big calm yogi breaths (whilst nudie headstanding?) and rise above the stupid scum. ommmmmmm. xsx

Andrea said...

I can't understand what is offensive about that photo or the painting. It is what boobs are designed to do - no offence to those who have trouble with it, or choose not to. It is like showing a mouth eating food and saying it is offensive. Crazy stuff.

Sarah said...

Fippin heck... I have been watching this...

Sooo as your FB site is private... were these actual friends who made these comments???!!!

I have posted on my FB site and so far comments have been radical!

My husband just laughed when he saw it!

Its that old news stuff some people just have to be offended by something that is normal... they must be bored.

Anonymous said...

Good grief Charlie Brown. People are weird aren't they? And if they aren't weird, they are the alternative = Stupid.

But I'm annoyed you were upset, that is not cool at all.

Accidental Lentil... said...

OH what horrid bullies there are on the interwebs.

Good on you for posting the original pic and making MANY people's day, especially mine.

Also love the picasso one.

Small Catalogue said...


Sally said...

Geez. What the???

How strange. Love love love this picasso picture. Brilliant.

I'm breast feeding my third babe. Loving it just as before. I am so blessed that it comes so easily.

I just don't understand why people have a problem with it.

Opportunity Knocks said...

I'm actually breast feeding as I type. My favorite time of the day is when I get home to my sweet baby and feed her. I'm oe of the voyeurs of your blog, I love it but never get a chance o comment (usually due to feeding while I read). Anyhow, I live your blog, please don't stop posting the great videos and images!

Megan.K. said...

I just don't get it. What is with people's hatred of breastfeeding???
So sorry to hear about this horrible mess PMM. I loved that handstand pic btw - so very cool. Hope it all settles down for you soon.

Little Paper Trees said...

people never cease to amaze me, love live the boob.

mama bear said...

I don't even know what to say. It's just gutting that people would find this offensive. I'm lost for words....

But – should we all repost this image on fb over and over and over? YES!

rachelmp said...

Wow. I don't understand it at all. I've seen plenty of offensive stuff on facebook, but surely this is harmless. What could be wrong with breastfeeding, whatever your stance.

Whimsy and Juno said...

Unfortunately the internet allows total nut-bags free reign to harass and threaten other people. There was nothing wrong with the photo you posted- if anyone thinks that showing a woman breastfeeding makes you a pedophile then they are seriously screwed up!

Ignore the haters (and freaks) and keep doing what you're doing! :)

freefalling said...


Angela said...

Bugger them all. As women, we know the truth about this picture and how it speaks to each of us (even if we're not as athletic as the depicted woman!). I loved the photo and was pleased to see it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

People are stupid. Really really stupid. There's plenty of us that think that pic was rad and the reaction to it was just ridiculous. Don't let 'em get you down!

Katie: Grow.Cook.Sew. said...


AmeliaDraws said...

love your work lexi, yours is one of the few parenting blogs i can stomach, especially during this my third pregnancy in which i suffered peri-natal depression (its all right i hadn't heard of either). Anyway yesterday on my facebook artists page i too got a firm wrap on the knuckles for posting this pic of Amanda Palmer saying goodbye to tassie in a very Palmer way. I cocked an eyebrow when i saw what happened to you because i a)think it beggers belief and b) nearly posted that picture for my yogi mummi friends as well and would have blown my second chance..... thankfully or there abouts parenting interupted my pressing send: this whole thing taps into a few pointers for y'old femisting me: why is sexualised images fine but that not?and the level of intolerance and viterol on the net is flipping insane....

Anonymous said...

you are so right in every way on this,well done you....

murphycl1 said...

I find alot of people's attitude to breastfeeding disappointing. I am going to make damn sure that my children think it's fab.

P.S. My new year's resolution was to get off Facebook and man do I feel LIBERATED!

Relish said...

Im so sorry for all the vitriole directed at you. Not cool. Not cool at all. I had not seen the image. And aside from being insanely jealous that she is so gorgeous and can stand on her head, I think it is one of the most beautiful images about. Yay for boobs being used as they were intended. And thank you for sharing the image, and for continuing the cause despite the nastiness. Yay for you xx