Thursday, 2 February 2012

Oh Yes.

Who can't relate to this? Raise your hand if you dare.

found via Pinterest and first seen via the totally rad MamaBake


Katie: Grow.Cook.Sew. said...

Story of my life! I have started locking Sophie out of the bathroom so I can do my business in peace! (While shouting "I don't know where your blue headband is, Mummy just needs 5 minutes, please!"

Mel @ Coal Valley View said...

Hand raised over here. My husband had to start a new job so I am left with the 4 little people on my own to complete our trek around Australia in the caravan and not only do I fantasise about going to the toilet by myself, I now fantasise about having a shower on my own too :-)

Bec said...

oh my yes, I can relate.

Jasmine said...

Oh, yep, hands up. But, I'm encouraging her to come with me in the hope it'll get her interested in toilet training. It's mostly getting her interested in toilet paper. :-/

3-men-and-a-lady said...

2 hands up!!

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

hand in the air and if its not the kid its the dog!!!

trudi@maudeandme said...

It's not much to ask for, is it?

mama bear said...


And why is it the mister still makes a hoo-haa about his own time spent on the throne? Nothing irks me as much as a man walking to the loo with reading material, gross.

Cathi said...

This reminds me of a story of my now 49 year old daughter. My mom was taking a bath one day & in comes Julie with a friend to show her "my little grandma". Altho my kiddos are grown, I still have 2 cats who accompany me in the bathroom.

Michelle Schoeps said...
