Sunday, 1 April 2012

Last Days of Disco

The last few months have been a real struggle for me. Juggling almost full-time work with parenting, with housework, with wife-ing, and then toss blogging on top of that - I'm not going to lie. I am 100 % completely exhaustipated*. 

Something's got to give because everything in my life seems to be suffering from the knock on effect of everything else. Every night I race home from work, help with the kids going to bed, and collapse onto the sofa so darn beat down, I can barely muster any energy to open my laptop, let alone use my brain to come up with some content. I've tried. Trust me. I really have, but I feel like I am drowning in over-commitment - it's not a good feeling. 

It's with heavy heart that I've decided to put PottyMouthMama into retirement. At least for the next few months. 

If you feel a bit jipped, might I suggest you start at the very start of PottyMouthMama? There's four years worth of content, with highlights being Tiny smearing poo everywhere, the Doctor being delicious, and me rummaging through someone else's bin. For. Weeks. On. End. 

Bon appetit baby.

By the way, I'll still come back tomorrow and announce the LEGO winner. Last chance to enter that competition chicitas

image source here

*exhaustipated was a word a girl that I used to work with always used. I never had the heart to tell her it wasn't a real word. So I always thought of it as a combination of being immensely tired - and constipated - all at once.


Jasmine said...

While it's very sad it's totally understandable. Enjoy your time away and hopefully it includes a new car and a trip to America! :)

Sally said...

It is exhausting juggling it all. Good on you for being able to evaluate and acknowledge that something has to give and then making the tough decisions. Bravo.
Have a great rest and hopefully you'll be back in a couple of months. Take care Lexi. xoxox

Tania said...

That work/life juggle sure puts the kaibosh on all things bloggy - I know right where you're coming from, excellent lady. And while you've now thrown me into a tizz, (BECAUSE NOW HOW WILL I STAY (ahem) ON-TREND WITH THE WORLD AROUND ME?) you just enjoy putting your feet up and drinking a relaxed glass of something nice.

PS. I'm drop dead impressed you kept everything going as long as you did. Even more impressed you knew when to 'fold 'em'.

Cassandra Louise said...

My goodness! I will indeed miss you. You need to do what's best for you. Take as long as you need, but please come back to us when you can! :-) xxx

BabyMac said...

Oh lady! I hear you but it's still a little sad, OK a LOT sad. Take care and release a bit of the pressure xx

Evie said...

you are one impressive lady achieving all these things and it is totally understandable that you would feel exhaustipated : ) while you will be missed here for the time you're gone we know the most important people in your life will be getting the best, less-exhaustipated version of you and that makes me happy too xx

Averil said...

I feel a bit sad because I just started following you & thought we we were going to get along gangbusters! I totally understand though. Anyway , I'll take your advice & start from the beginning, might hear from you again someday!!

Shontelle said...

You will be missed. Please come back in time for the next awards season.

Jodie said...

Aw sad! But totally understandable. I will miss reading your blog

lisa :: the red thread said...

Go for it Lexi - take a break! It will be so good for you and everyone will still be hangin' around when you get back. I've learnt that if blogging is a chore it's not worth it. I hope it enables you to begin to find some balance in all the other things.

happy and clear said...

Good on you for knowing when to take a step back.

Have been reading for a while now, don't know if I have ever commented, but I will miss reading your blog.

Good luck with it all. I am off to start your blog posts from the beginning.

Rachael @Mogantosh said...

I'm sorry life is sitting on you so heavy right now Lex. That mouse-wheel loop just gets too much when, as Mum, there is never, ever a day off to recharge the old batts.

Take care of you sweet Lexi. See you on the other side.

ps - You need 2 nights in a hotel alone, room service menu, sleep-ins, aimless wandering. Put it in the household mental-health budget. Mama needs a break, stat.

Michelle said...

We understand, completely. And I've often wondered how you manage the daily post on top of everything else you do. But having read your blog every. single. day since forever, I will miss your daily posts.

Thank you for the good times, the belly laughs, the heads ups and the tears. I loved every word.


Unknown said...

awesome word ...

Anonymous said...

will miss you loads ,but then when youre back it will be great !

Sarah said...

I hear you . Just I am finding it hard to let go... not mie - others!

Lady Moss said...

I think you are amazing. You know what's important to you and making a hard decision that's right for you and your family. I really admire your work and your strength xx

Little Paper Trees said...

rest up, you'll enjoy it the break. stay in touch...

Top bird said...

You and Mrs Woog are so tricksy! xxx

[Good Mum Hunting] said...

Please don't go, don't gooooooooooo!

I hear you though lady. This juggling act we mothers do is too much sometimes. And something's gotta give...

Don't stay away too long xxxxx

dear olive said...

You're hilarious! I totally would have thought you were serious if I read this yesterday. (As for the immensely tired and constipated bit .... gold.) Kellie xx