Playschool Flashback: Who Was Your Favourite?
During the late hours, somehow I stumbled upon these Playschool outtakes. Some are very funny. Most in fact. Or maybe I was just delirious.
John was always my favourite on Playschool, with Benita a close second.
Who was your favourite?
Nice work, I am really glad to be 1 of several visitants on this awful site : D
Bonita was always my favourite! I took my kids to a playschool show a couple of years ago and she was there! I was sooo excited I made her have photos with me and bought a Humpty for her to sign that to this day I do not allow my smalls to touch!
Is it just me or was John kinda inappropriate in a socially acceptable 1980s way?
John lives in our neighbourhood....I remember being in a shop one day and hearing his voice and being instantly transported back 30 years!!
John was soooo inappropriate
I loved him too
John and Noni were my faves!! I have the 45th anniversary album (for my kids) and love hearing the old voices. Love that my kids love play school too....
NONI and JOHN equal!!, and then maybe Benita, i never much cared for Alistair though. His mostache worried me.
Truth is Big Ted and little ted were my most favourites.
Same! John and Benita were my favourite team, followed by Noni and George :-)
Noni! All the way.
Though, John came a close second.
Truth be told, I loved them all :)
So great! We've been playing this upsy down town video with Benita and that cool fro pretty much non-stop at our place:
John was awesome. I grew up with him and its just not the same without him... or the rest of the older ones. &)
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