Saturday, 14 April 2012

Stuff I Did On Saturday

Housework beckoned me, and I responded by vacuuming our living room, plumping up the sofa cushions, and trying to remove the copious amounts of detritus from around our home. 

I was not very successful. I got distracted. 

After deliberating on it all day, I took the smalls into Paddington to Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery to hear Ben Whishaw read Juliet Darling's new poetry - dedicated to her late partner, Nick Waterlow OAM. 

I am so glad I did.

Not only do I love Ben Whishaw - you might remember him from Bright Star, or Perfume or Brideshead Revisited, or Criminal Justice - the list goes on. He is indeed a bright young star - and in real life - he seems totally understated and natural.

But hearing Juliet's poetry read by Whishaw - I was so happy I had decided that YES! YES! Today was the perfect day to rekindle my love for poetry. It was such a beautiful way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

The Doctor even loved it too. 


Rowantree Design said...

Ooohhh, you are the first to know (besides the sailor, he knows because he trips all over my book piles when he comes to bed) I adore poetry, preferring contempory poetry these days. I also love the lyrics of Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen.

Luna said...

Lucky you!