Friday, 6 April 2012

An Ugly Photo Of My Feet

We've hit the frog and toad, and we're out of town for Easter. But not before I tipped a chair over that fell onto my foot. A full throttle blow that continued to bruise throughout the day. Poor, poor me.

Please drag out the world's smallest violin. 

I'd planned a weekend full of running/walking - wogging (walking x jogging) until this accident has left me like a limp biscuit.

Anyhoot - poor me aside. It's so nice to be in the country air. Gives me a chance to further brainwash Matt into letting our little family move to the country. Life in the country is good. Slowed down. No traffic jams. No hither and thither. Country air. Life is good. 

I'm going to soak up this weekend - soak in the heat, the goodness, and the chocolate. 

Happy Easter my friends. I hope you have a safe and happy time with friends and family. 

PS - another apology for my ugly foot shot. I know, I know. Poor form PMM.


Lady Moss said...

We have our country house for sale in Bundanoon. Buy it buy it now! I do miss living there this gorgeous time of year.

Mrs Smith said...

I hope the brainwashing works. You sound like you could do with some easy, happy livin'. Happy Easter!

Jodi said...

I hope you convince Matt. Daniel and I are having the same country-move conversations. So far, it's going well ;)

Happy chocolatey Easter Lexi x

Marian Hazel said...

Ouch! I know the pain, last weekend I was rushing around and knocked the iPad off a table and right onto my toe. Bruised straight away, not as bad as you, you poor thing. Hope you have the relaxing Easter you need, and you guys so should move out into the country. We love it!

Sarah said...

Poor poor Lexi

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Such long slender toes compare to my stubby sausages. Your feet even look glamourous in bruises.

Feel better soon.

gemma @ loz and dinny said...

That there foot is NASTY! Poor you! Hope you are enjoying the country and Matt is feeling the allure...
Happy Easter! x