On Sunday we spent the most spectacular Autumn day at Luna Park. We were thrilled to be guests invited to celebrate Smile Day, which is the Clown Doctors national fundraising day.
The Commonwealth Bank Staff Community Fund is a founding partner of the Clown Doctors, which was founded in 1999. They invited families to join forces for a really special day, and to help raise money for such a brilliant cause.
In case you didn't know - Clown Doctors play a significant role in children's hospitals around the country bringing laughter and joy to sick and injured children by parodying the hospital routine, while simultaneously offering respite for families and playing an integral part in the healing process.
And seeing them interacting with the kids on Sunday, and imagining the joy they must bring sick and scared kids in hospital - it made me more than a bit teary. They have a gift making kids giddy with laughter - and the health benefits that come from humour? Incredible!
You can find out about sponsoring a Clown Doctor here.
Or learn more about fun-raising here.
And it's not just kids that are getting all the giggles. Now Clown Doctors are working with elderly people, bringing laughter and improving quality of life to those living with dementia or depression in aged care. That's pretty darn awesome I say.
They touch the lives of a massive 100,000 people per year. They are in all major children's hospitals in Australia - and aim to have Clown Doctors doing the rounds seven days a week.
Pretty darn inspiring. As a mum, I find it pretty heartening to see these amazing people investing themselves in lifting the spirits of others - and truly love their work (now how often do you honestly get to say that to someone?).
That is awesome that they are working with the elderly now. My husband and I are watching our grandparents head into their 80's, and it's pretty depressing for them as their physical and mental health declines. I take my hat off to anyone who can improve their quality of life in those last couple of years.
They are worth their weight in gold.
Alfie was 'clown doctored' on one of our many visits to Sydney Kids.
They do really great things for kids.
They are fantastic people, not only do they help the children forget why they are there (hospital) they do their best to help distract the parents with a laugh too. My son is not old enough for the jokes but when the bubbles and balloons come out he's in heaven!
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