Tuesday, 10 April 2012

YES! I Love Anne Hathaway's Hair.

She chopped it off for her role in Les Miserables, and I gotta say Anne Hathaway - I dig the hair. Short-choppy-croppy. I love how this new 'do seems to totally frame her beautiful face, her large doe eyes, aye carumba girl. I just love a gal who can embrace a short crop. It never fails to slay me. 

This new look for Anne - my oh my - I am googling like crazy to see more more more! It's a brave new world baby - I love it so. 

I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow - I'm imagining running my hands through short hair. It just feels SO good. 


image via Just Jared 


Rowantree Design said...

Man, if i had a gorgeous head and face like hers, i would have done it years ago, if only to feel a strong hand run over my head.

Catherine said...

oh my. seeing this makes me want short hair again. hot hot hot. on that note, lexi you always look amazeballs, no matter the hair you wear x

Averil said...

In my spare time I'm a hairstylist and there's nothing I dig more than when a client comes in holding a picture like this, ready to chop their locks off- I love it!

Lady Moss said...

She looks like a gorgeous 18 year old boy. Does that sound weird? Anyway looks great.

suzy said...

I LOVE it. I think I will lop my hair off. I have been admiring Ginnifer Goodwin's short hair for ages. This just confirms it. So chic and stylish and so Audrey. I love it.

Norbyah said...

OMG. totally gorgeous. i've always envied girls who can carry off this mia farrow style haircut. i did it once, but my hair is so thick that my adoring sisters and hubby nicknamed me microphone head....i know, how nice....
