Monday, 21 April 2014

I Touch My Selfie - For Chrissy Amphlett #itouchmyselfie

Have you seen this? Pretty bloody rad.

It's already been a year since Chrissy Amphlett passed away following her valiant fight with breast cancer, at the age of 53. 

Chrissy was passionate about spreading awareness around the importance of early detection of breast cancer, and wanted her song 'I touch myself' to become for women's health around the world.

Well it's working.

Gathering nine brilliant Australian female artists - this is the outcome. Pretty poignant. I think Chrissy would dig it too.

Check your breasts. Touch your shelf. Feel your lumps, bumps, get to know your body - and if in doubt - get them checked out.

Get on Instagram - take a selfie - and tag it #itouchmyselfie - share it with your friends, Facebook, go nuts. 

What to do at different ages:

Age 25 to 40
·         You know your breasts, but what is ‘your’ normal when it comes to look and feel?
·         Don’t hesitate to seek health advice if you notice any changes
·         If there is a history of cancer in your family, talk to your doctor 

Age 40 to 49
·         Talk to your doctor and establish if a mammogram is right for you
·         If you are aged between 40 to 49 you are eligible for a free breast screening
·         You also need to know what is normal when it comes to look and feel, and don’t hesitate to seek health advice if you notice any changes

Age 50 to 69
·         You should be having a mammogram every two years. Call BreastScreen on 13 20 50 to book a free mammogram
·         30 minutes every two years can offer peace of mind
·         Get to know your breasts, get to know what is normal when it comes to the look and feel of your breasts and  seek health advice if you notice any changes

Age 70 or over
·         Talk to your doctor to ask if you should continue to have mammograms
·         Women over 70 may also have free breast screening mammograms as recommended by your doctor.

For more information contact the Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20 or Cancer Council


Sam Stone said...

I think that this is an awesome campaign! I really hope it saves some lives. xo

ClaireyHewitt said...

And remember to add in your pap smears, cos cancer of any lady bits is no good.