Friday, 25 April 2014

Of Haircuts and High Fives

In case you somehow missed it, I got a new hair cut.

Thank goodness for that.

I'd had the same hair for too long, and started to feel very middle-aged (not like a knight) and mumsy. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but for me, I was bored with my head.

Every time I think my hair starts to feel like Ross Noble's - I realise I need a cut.

Leonard at Desmond and Molly Jones basically gave me a make-over in 40 minutes and I am so stoked. 

For months I'd been thinking about having a fringe, but chickened out every time. And then I reconsidered because the beauty of hair is - it grows back.

I now feel like a dog that's just been washed. That's got to be good, right?! 


Leith said...


Sam Stone said...

LOVE the fringe. You are so gorgeous.

Toni Brockliss said...

I was scared to get my pixie cut. I wanted to look dainty and feminine and not like the back rower of the wallabies.
I got it. I loved it.
You look gorgeous!

dear olive said...

I love Leonard, and I love the fringe xx