Monday, 16 February 2015

Paper Planes:: Review and Giveaway (Australian film)

You know those rare movies where you sit down and you're transfixed for the entire film?

This is one of those.

Australian films have a real knack for tapping into authentic, innocent and inspiring stories - and Paper Planes did just that and so much more. It really captured childhood in rural Australia, and tells a simple story of 12 year old Dylan who falls in love with the art of paper folding - and it literally takes off from there. 

A brilliant Australian cast including Ed Oxenbould (amazing!), Sam Worthington (I really wanted to shake his character), Deborah Mailman (she is pure joy), Peter Rowsthorn (hilarious) and David Wenham, this is going to blow your mind! 

In fact, it wasn't just about me - my two kids really, really loved it, and so did Matt. This film is about dreams, the beauty in simplicity - and making something beautiful. And of course the surprise inclusion of Kelis' 'Milkshake'. It was magic. 

I came home from the movie and promptly started folding paper planes, to the delight of the cat and my kids. My cat particularly because he's pretty well mauled them.

If you haven't already seen it, you definitely need to - quick smart. 

I have two Paper Planes prize packs to giveaway courtesy of Roadshow. Each prize pack contains:

1 x double pass to Paper Planes
1 x Paper Planes - the novel 
1 x Paper Planes soundtrack 
1 x paper plane paper pack
1 x Paper Planes t-shirt (size M, youth)
1 x Paper Planes cap 

To win - all you have to do is tell me what one of your childhood dreams. 

Terms and conditions:
Entries open Monday 16th 10:00pm, and close Wednesday 10:00pm.
You must be an Australian resident.
Please ensure I can contact you - please include your email address in your comment.


Cathie said...

What a great giveaway!
As I said on FB, my 7 year old wanted to go see this...and so did I ,but we didn't get a chance on the holidays.
Funny that you ask about childhood dreams as I always dreamt of being a flight attendant so I could fly all day and night. I thought it would be THE best thing!

Keep on rocking Miss PMM x

Judith Maunders said...

My childhood dream was to become a vet or a writer. I didn't get the marks to get into veterinary science, but I did end up in a job writing about the work of researchers, including vets. Miss Eight would love to have a job with animals when she grows up. And she'd love to watch Paper Planes again - it reminds her of her cousin (nine) who lives in Japan.

dear olive said...

When I was young, I dreamt of going to Africa and being a vet. And now (all of her own accord) Olive does too!

Suzy said...

Treehouses were my dream. Swiss Family Robinson, Magic Faraway Tree, plastic toy variety. You name it, my imagination was moving into it.

Ajubile Lam said...

One of my childhood dreams was actually to become a millionaire with a purpose (i.e. share the wealth around to the society especially the needy). I hope one day soon.

Cass Ward said...

My childhood dream was to be an English teacher. Thank goodness that dream didn't come true, I would have been a terrible teacher!

Jessica Frances Offer said...

My childhood dream was to become a mermaid. Our swimming pool used to lay underneath a huge jacaranda tree which would drop its flowers onto the surface like a giant purple carpet. I used to wish I had a tail to swish as I swam through it. Being underwater is quiet and safe.

Mel-The Organic Mamas said...

My childhood dream was to visit Paris - and when I finally did, in my mid-twenties, it was everything I dreamt of, and more.....

Jocelyn R said...

I used to have a dream to do a big trip to Europe. I wanted to travel around and meet the love of my life. It hasn't quite turned out the way I wanted to, Buuut, I did get to travel and am about to marry a man who will make my dreams come true :)

Mrs_Kan said...

My dream growing up was to find a peace within myself.. That I was good enough... that I would find a prince to help my inner princess.. That I would find peace and a completeness. I married to a man that sees my flaws.. He points them out and helps me and edifies me and loves our children and helps them be brave and confident.. Have I found total peace within myself yet? No.. Don't know if ever will and I kinda hope I don't I might get bored!.. So I guess my dream
Is now to continue growing!

sapshu said...

From a very early age i was in love with koalas & was fascinated with the way they looked ,walked and climbed on trees. My childhood dream was to work in a zoo as a carer for koalas. I read so many books about them & use to collect each and every piece of information that i could find about them. But my father wanted me to study medicine - so i ended up in a Medical college. But even now whenever i take my kids to the zoo ,i want to be a koala carer again...

email -

Tess said...

My sister and I had a dream to buy a farm with separate houses for our separated parents where everyone would love in a harmonious commune - our grand parents, us three kids, our mum and her GF and our dad and step mum... Oh plus loads of animals because kids always want a ridiculous amount of animals. ;)

Rebecca said...

Fantastic movie,; my 10 year old son, 7 old daughter and their granddad all loved Paper Planes. When I was young I dreamt of travelling the world in a caravan! We spent every school holiday travelling somewhere new with our caravan and they were the best times :)

Lexi Kentmann said...

COngratulations Cathie! You're a winner! Please email me your postal address and I'll get your pack out to you ASAP! (lexipmm (at) gmail (dot) com x

Lexi Kentmann said...

Congratulations! You're a winner! Please email me your address and I'll get your pack to you ASAP! (lexipmm(at) gmail (Dot) com x

Cathie said...

No way!! You are the best Lexi, thank you SO very much. My son is going to be thrilled!!
Big hugs to you always x

Priscilla said...

missed the giveaway but this movie has been on my 'must-see' list since I saw the trailer for it at the end of last year. think I have missed it at our local cinema as well so am waiting for DVD release now. I love a good aussie flick.