Monday 21 January 2008

A Sad Day

Yesterday was a sad day in our household. A sad day indeed.
Our baby girl went up a size in nappies. This demonstrates that she's growing - and fast, which also demonstrates that babies grow up too darn quick. If there was a stop button I could press, I'd press it. Just to enjoy this a little longer, stretch out this gorgeous stage just a bit more. Photographs are great reminders, but they're not the same. That newborn smell. That velvety skin. It's heavenly.
Scout started cooing on Friday, just every now and then. I had forgotten about that, and now I am anticipating all that awaits us. So although I am sad at her growing so quickly (I am also proud because she's a great little feeder), I love that it's all ahead of us, a wonderful ride as a family.
Our son, Noah, has been so excited about his new little sister, he's not going to bed at his usual time lately. Well he goes to bed, but not to sleep. Tonight he snuck in while I was feeding, just to give his little sister a goodnight kiss.
Sweet, precious little moments.

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