Saturday, 15 November 2008

The Kitchen Sink

kitchen sink

Originally uploaded by tashalutek

Does anyone else have quibbles with their housemate over who should do the dishes?

I thought there was an unspoken rule - if you cook dinner, the other person washes. Apparently my husband doesn't know this.

Or another rule. Perhaps if one person has done the washing up five nights in a row, perhaps it's your turn...?

Anyone else have this problem?

Unfortunately our kitchen sink doesn't look like this. Unfortunately it's currently stacked with dishes. Unfortunately that's what's called a Mexican stand off.


CurlyPops said...

I think its an unwritten rule that whoever cooks doesn't have to do the dishes (especially if he ever wants to get fed again)!

Amy Badskirt said...

I used to be a big follower of the "he who cooks, relaxes. he who delights, cleans" philosophy. I find it doesn't work so well with my husband though. He's a many pan and every bowl sort of cooker which leaves too many dishes for me!

Is the doctor too young to learn "the scrubbing game"? =)

Amber said...

Stand strong girl....xx

Liesl said...

Hmmm, yes indeedy. But you wanna see a real Mexican stand-off?? Mr HB has been away for just over three weeks on business. I have cooked every night for the last 22 days - can you imagine how many dishes he is going to come home to?

Leonie said...

Fortunately for me, he gets sick of the dishes being there way before I do!! Although I do have a photo of a completely empty dishwasher and a kitchen buried under every dish we owned because I went on strike after finding the empty dishwasher and his breakfast bowl sitting rinsed and awaiting stacking directly above the closed dishwasher door, how hard would it have been to actually bend over and put it in I ask you??

Ellieboo said...

....ahh I knew there was a reason I missed having a man about the place :)

Michelle said...

That's what we do - I cook, he cleans. He cooks, he cleans. He never cooks so I figure that's OK. And I won't listen to him whinging about having to stand there and do dishes - not when I've spent time thinking about dinner, doing the shopping, all the chopping and the standing in the heat at stirring! Washing up and loading the dishwasher is NOTHING compared to the time it takes to prepare a meal.

Jodi said...

Daniel hates hates hates doing the dishes. He hates it so much that if he does do it, it takes him about an hour (he runs back and forth to the tv or computer) and the dishes don't even get that clean. I always cook. I always do the dishes. But he always cleans the windows. I'll relent and say it's a fair trade.

Sarah said...

Yes well we bought a dishwashing machine to save our marriage!

Cindy said...

Wise women says new dishwasher is cheaper than child support!