I Haven't Been Doing Anything
Alarm bells should ring for parents when they hear this. Ding! Ding! Ding! Bright lights flashing. I didn't need the verbal giveaway, I just looked up and saw The Doctor covered in a fine chocolate-y looking dust this afternoon. Smeared around his face. All over his t-shirt. The photos don't quite do him justice. Yes. He hasn't been doing anything. Except getting into the Cadbury Drinking Chocolate.
When I walk into a room containing my son, he automatically yells out "NUSSING!" (translation: nothing). Clearly he's been caught too many times (and yes, he's done the drinking choc thing too!)
Now are you really sure it was him and not the cat ? Cats can be very sneaky like that. The chocolate dusting may very well have been a very clever feline ruse.
Can't say I'm not guilty of that sort of thing myself - you know - like when things get desperate?
hehehe we've all been there. the drinking chocolate looks so good when the sweet tooth strikes : )
when i was a kid my brother and i would get in to the vegemite and dry biscuits thinking we were doing a wonderful job feeding ourselves. poor mum would be faced with a big mash up of biscuits and vegemite in the marg and visa versa! ah the good times!!
And that Doctor is why we would be the best of friends! That kind of great idea hould still be rewarded once you are grown. Now be honest - how good was his chockie kisses.
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