Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Are You (GASP!) A Mummy Blogger? Then Go Outside And Shake Yourself

Megan at the Byron Life (who is basically living my life, but it's not mine, it's hers, but I'd like it to be my life, but it's not - oh look, oops I did it again) blogged about this the other day. And it's been bugging me.

Not Megan. But the article. Actually not the article. It's all the 'hoo har' about the article. The poor journo has been sent reeling. And how ridiculous people can be. Seriously peeps, don't take things so darn seriously!

Do you blog?
Would you categorise yourself a 'mummy blogger'?
Are you cringing at being a 'mummy blogger'?
If you are, can I book you in for some expensive counselling?

I mean of course you're blogging about bigger things, but if you a) blog and b) have child, then you are sort of going to be labelled a 'mummy blogger' (unless you're blogging about the mating cycles of small extinct reptillian bandicoots, then I guess you're some kind of kooky animal blogger). I hate to break it to you but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

And speaking of cookies - check out these ace apple earrings over at Earl and Cookie. How was that for a segue?

PS - go visit Megan. She's a top bird!