Wednesday 21 April 2010

Tiny Bursts:: The Urge to Purge

We've been enjoying meandering around the neighbourhood lately. The weather is so blissful, and to be completely one hundred per cent honest, it seems to be throw out time around our 'hood. Everyone seems to be decluttering madly.

Tiny goes gangbusters on her motorbike.

Sal from Georgie Love recommended 'Raising Your Spirited Child' so I hot footed it to the library to borrow it. Along with a mountain of other parenting books. Now I just have to find some spare moments to glean the brilliance from within!
If you promise to be good I'll show you some of my recent roadside finds later this week.


Anonymous said...

I"m a good girl, I'm a good girl.
I LOVE roadside finds. I recently got a Little Tikes car for my son.

Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

I love your leafy suburb. It's beautiful.

Oh, and I've been good too. Promise. x

lisa :: the red thread said...

do show! I always hover around council collection piles, but I'm usually disappointed.

home girl said...

oh that tiny is getting cuter each day i can't cope!

Jodi said...

gosh she's cute. we did a throw-put too - feels good t clear the air. sunshine at the moment is beyond beautiful....i'm loving it.