Greetings. And welcome to another exciting episode of PottyMouthMama.
Habiters, how are your habits coming along? Do you need some pep in your step? Well my friendly habit-formers, I have a special day three surprise especially for you! (And it's not a Kylie and Jason duo).
Read on. I urge you.
Day three has been a write off for me, though tonight, I am trying to make amends. I've been to two meetings and haven't even had lunch yet (crazy!). I've been fanging it around in ye olde automobile going hither and thither.
Tiny has lost her little Alice doll. Bad news.
We went to the park. Good news.
My kids are walking around singing Sex Bomb. Bad news.
Water - 0 (but on the agenda)
Exercise - 0
Housework - 0
Flossing - on the agenda
Throw out - I will find something and toss it, Scout's honour
I'm not setting a good example, am I? I will do better tomorrow.
And you??
I'm sure you're sitting there, very impatient for your special reward. This is ONLY for the habit formers. No one else is allowed to take a peek. And it is on this note that I say in my very best Julia Child's voice 'Bon Appetit!'
Damn that was classy, loved it. I am officially a habit former. Was back on the pilates this morning, muscles still aching nicely thank you, and shed a heap of redundant kitchen crap to the op shop. Ooh yeah, I may just thank you at the end of this Lexi :)
Im going for my walk!
check check and check!
LOVE My reward, though I don't deserve yet,
Had a day off from dress/skirt wearing, but I did say at least one a week,
my bag however. there's still time. xo
OMG that was the best laugh and just when my habit was waning today!! Where did you find that!! The possibilities of more dee-lites like that have powered me up mama. I'm hummin' sex bomb, sex bomb and doing the moves...off to post...day 3! Yeah!
That was fantastic. Loved his face when the shirt came off and he did a flex.
I think I did about 6 glasses of water today, but tomorrow I'll do 10, just to feel entitled to whatever it is you're rewarding us with!
Off to floss now.
Obviously I haven't already followed the link to wherever but I think I may beg to join your gang just so I can go and watch the nice man dancing on the ice again.
Oh that made my day! He really is a sex bomb. Us habit formers could have asked for no better reward. The double handed crotch grab at 2 mins was the highlight for me. I'm doing well on all fronts so far, fingers crossed for the next 18 days!
OK, so I am not snazzy enough to figure out how to get the button. Is there code, of just cut and paste?
ok, so I am writing everyday.... I am doing this, but mine is not so hard, right? I need to eat more I have been told. So maybe I can have a little more food each day. A piece of fruit. Can I add this into the mix? x
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