Thursday, 3 February 2011

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for my firsborn, the Doctor. Highly anticipated. And highly dreaded by me.

We turned up, accidentally a little late, and went to the classroom where the kids were settling in. Once we got his name tag, hung up his backpack, the Doctor looked nervous. Then went over to some other little boys, started building with them and said to me, "Can you go now Mum?"


So we kissed him goodbye, my little boy. My little Kindergarten boy, and walked out of the classroom. Me with tears misting over. Tiny riding on Matt's shoulders, oblivious. We walked back to the car, I sat in the seat and sobbed my little heart out.
At the end of the day, I rang my little boy to see how his first day went, and could tell he was bursting with excitement (and told me about "a rude boy who wouldn't share a train but it had 3 spare carriages!"). And when I got home from work, we chatted and chatted about school. Man I love this little guy.
Day two tomorrow.
Meanwhile I can't find the battery charger for our camera, turned the house upside down, still nowhere to be found. But on a flipside, can anyone recommend a handbag size camera that takes ace photos that doesn't cost a Bombfunk MC?


Rachael @Mogantosh said...

Next year for me. I think I will be a sobby mess too. But well done on raising such a sweet kid all the way to his happy first day at big school. You done good PMM! (Especially on the spanky fresh ironing job.)

Little Pinwheel said...

go doctor! You know it is nice to know we were in the same puddle of tears today. He is so sweet! You rock mum xx

shine little light* said...

daaawww! Poor mumma! What a cutey bobooty!

tea with lucy said...

Aw lexi, i'm tearing up thinking about going through this next year. Sounds like he's going to nail this whole kindy caper. xo

Monique said...

I was in a puddle of tears yesterday and felt it all over again reading your post. You can see my boy over at my place. The Doctor looks gorgeous. Congratulations to you for the past five years of being Mama to your boy!! Today is the culmination of that accomplishment.

Norbyah said...

first days are the hardest. my big boy is now in grade 2, but i still remember how little he looked on his big bus on his VERY first day four years ago. and, at the beginning of each year, i think back to that and he's still my baby, even though he's bigger now. next year, his sister starts at big school (she's been at preschool for three), and my tiniest one (two next week) will start pre school in september. gulp. i'll have no little ones at's a bittersweet feeling, really.
all the best.

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

Next year me too! I will need sedation. You did well. He looks ace!

Mon Alisa Design said...

He looks so smart! Amelia is on day 5 and thankfully loving it. Haidee however had a little meltdown yesterday because she was missing her, it was heartbreaking!
Good luck for today mum, I hope he has a great time :)

clairsy said...

I can answer your camera question - this blogger Gregarious Peach did a really helpful post about compact cameras, and her photos are amazing. Post here:

suzy said...

Dear little sausage. He is adorable.

I feel for you lady. It's hard to let go.

Leese said...

Well done!! It's a big step. Huge actually! My first born started his first day of High School today.He was out of the car before I could even finish saying "Have a great day"! I love that he is so confident about all of this, but I must admit it's bittersweet too. It doesn't seem that long ago that he started school, now he's a high school kid. Pass the I go again! xx

JoeyNomad said...

I can wholeheartedly recommend Panasonic Lumix cameras for the handbag. They have Leica lenses and are excellent quality! And not so muchos expensive either. Good for the little guy - he's ace.

spectacularfairywren said...

hey-ya - what did you do re camera - i followed the PANASONIC LUMIX recommendations and am en route to a new one with next paycheck.... Seems like a good, almost SLR solution without the bulk.
What did you do?