Sunday, 28 August 2011


Tiny has been welcomed into the exclusive and elite club where all members must have Conjunctivitis to join. I believe I'll be joining that club later tonight.

Yesterday her eye started mucusing up a storm, and we couldn't clean it quick enough. Disgusting, no?

She woke up in the middle of the night, her eye fused closed. Impressive Tiny. So in the darkness of night, we cleaned it again, and again. And again. And put her back into bed. When she woke it was a little better, and we've been dealing with the eye all day. It's so furiously red, I've never seen conjunctivitis so cranky. I think the other eye is going out in sympathy.

In the morning she asked why she had: "Chunk-No-Itis". She hasn't complained and just gone about her day. Delighted when she caught a ladybird, she made it a little home, created a slide for it, and told it it was going to join the circus.

Poor Tiny Pink Eye.

Universe, right about now, we'd really like to shake the shackles of Winter sickness. April - August? Enough is enough. We're officially: Sick of being sick.


Toni said...

Poor little darling. If I had breast milk I would send it to you. Someone at the eye factory should bottle it. It's amazing. Audrey had it when I was breastfeeding and it cleared it up immediatey.
Boobs. Best invention ever.

Sarah said...

She is keeping her spirits up...

YEs the good old breast milk.

Salt baths etc etc...

Poor little one. Means a day off for you tomorrow?

Small Catalogue said...

I do absolutely agree; family pottymouth has had enough! I feel spring shall be all about tulips and tippytoes and gratitude. And if it isn't; well there is always cocktail hour!

shine little light* said...

Oh poor little petal. I had chronic conjunctivitis when I was 18. I caught of babies in an african orphanage. It sucks. Massively. But I remember having it as a kid too and finding it quite fascinating... weirdly.

The Mummy Hat said...

Ahh my daughter has had it since Friday and thankfully it is clearing up but I can feel my eyes burning, I'll be waking up with it tomorrow!
Poor Pottymouthmumma house, bring on better health with September!

Dolores said...

I hear ya! We're over all the winter lurgies too. Middle boy had a red and gunky eye at dinner time. One child starts to get better and then another starts coming down with something new! Anyway, are you doing the ointment at night, drops during the day? The drops are vile - leaves are really bad taste in the back of your throat!!

Norbyah said...

Hang in there.

[Good Mum Hunting] said...

Get well soon family!

Spring is almost here!
