Saturday 10 September 2011


I know I've written about this book before, but I'm going there again because it is one of my all-time favourite reads. It's beautifully written, moving, and I marvel at it on each read. Given tomorrow marks 10 years since 9/11 it seems quite fitting to re-read it right now.
I can still remember exactly where I was when I found out about 9/11. My Mum and Dad rang me really early to tell me to turn the TV on. I did, and couldn't fathom what I was seeing. Why was this plane flying into the building? The reality didn't register for me.

I then had to go to work, and spent the loneliest, greyest, longest day waiting for news. I worked in a store, by myself, and kept going to the cafe next door for updates. I remember that day, and can instantly recall that sick pit in my stomach. I can barely believe it's been 10 years already, watching those two buildings crumble, and the days afterward hearing and reading about too many people's last day.

There's a really good special report over at NY Times if you're interested.


Mrs Smith said...

My absolute all time favourite contemporary novel,

I turned the tv on that morning, nursing a 6 month old baby on my hip. I watched those images while I fed him and despaired. What world had we brought him into?

Tonight he asked me 'What was so special about the date 9/11?" I told him. He said "Dad, can we go bike riding tomorrow?'

We remember, and the world turns on.

rachelmp said...

I was sitting in bed feeding my 6 month old baby too and my husband called me in to watch the tv. I still can't believe that we watch that world changing footage live.

Nikki @ Styling You said...

Amazing story in the NY Times. Thanks for sharing!

Jodi said...

I can't believe it's been 10 years either - I was in school and I remember the stillness and quiet in the classroom as we watched the tv. And the world changed forever.

As for this book, you have written about it before and every time you do I remind myself that it's something I need to buy Daniel. It's his birthday on Thursday so perfect timing Lexi xxx

Chaotic Jupiter said...

Love the book. Will be interesting to see how good the movie is. You know Safran Foer is coming out for the Festival of Dangerous Ideas? He will be talking about his other book Eating Animals. I am off overseas so I can't make it, so annoyed!

fast times in münchen. said...

I was getting ready to go to bed and heard on the radio about the first plane crashing so switched on the news and watched the horror unfold for countless hours after that. Can't believe it's been 10 years...

Second time today someone has recommended JSF (Eating Animals) I will have to get me a copy.