Friday, 20 July 2012

Pregnant Pirelli Pause: Steve McCurry

We all know Pirelli is known less for their tyres and more for their calendars. Well they are in my circles anyway.

Here they are getting raunchy again. This time on pregnant model Adriana Lima - the first model to be shot forwho is visibly pregnant.

Not that they've just snuck up on Lima. It's not like she was just hanging about by that wall, having massaged a healthy slathering of baby oil over her belly.

And yet... There's something that doesn't sit well with me. And I'm not a prude. I love pregnant women. I think they are blossoming, beautiful, so feminine and so sexy. It is one of my favourite times of my life, being pregnant. I felt so much like a woman. The curve of that belly. Swoooooon! But this photo.. I just can't put my finger on it.

Photographer Steve McCurry (famous for *that* National Geographic cover featuring the Afghan girl with the piercing green eyes) went for a less bare look this year - but with more bump? He's been quoted as saying this calendar will be a calendar of the soul. And pregnant bellies.

Maybe when I see the calendar in its entirety I'll feel different, but for now, I'm not convinced.

You? You dear reader? What do you think?

PS - Fashion Friday is currently on hold. At least until I get out of my jammies.

Read more about Pirelli's new calendar here at NY Mag.


Averil said...

I felt the same when I saw this photo yesterday! I don't know what it is but it just feels a little wrong, I'll have to see the entire calendar as well to make my final judgement.

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

is it wrong because we also now have to have a perfect belly when we are pregnant? I have noticed how much this has changed since my last pregnancy 5 years ago in thet there seems to be pictures of naked pregnant bellies everywhere. I like my belly because it is growing our new baby in it but as for doing a photoshoot of it- i dont get it. Its not even a nice photo.

Gavin Heaton said...

It's the framing. It's like we are sneaking a look through a hole in the wall. A little creepy ... but agree with @Cath - not a great photo.

Lady Moss said...

It's wrong because it's an ugly photo. It's ok to say it.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Gavin - I think it's the sneaky framing of the image that makes her seem somehow vulnerable? I'm not a fan either.

Mike Littlely said...

She looks great for something that is pregnant. Most mother's would look way bigger.

-Mike of ontario honey