Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Money Money Money

Must be funny. In a rich man's world. (Ha. Ha. Ha.)

Money's too tight to mention.

There's a reason there are songs written about money. And it's not the romance.

It's quite simply, because money is not funny. At all.

Money is boring. Yawn-worthy. It's the bone of contention, the source of much stress, angst and sometimes loud arguments. It's also a great inspiration for long sleep-less nights.

Blergh. Money. You are a big poo.

Just when you think you're getting on top of the bills, you get another one that wipes out any savings you thought you might have (big thanks to the $800 electricity bill - gulp).

So here's a question for you, what are your very best of the best frugal tips?

(for more hilaire dollar bill artworks go here. PMM does not condone defacing federal property.)


Lady Moss said...


Averil said...

Homebrand flour and sugar, make all cakes and bickies from scratch, shop around the edges of the supermarket, all the stuff in the aisles is what costs the most!
Put $100 in your wallet at the start of the week and use that to pay for things, don't get the ATM or credit card out- you'd be surprised how much that stops you from spending when you can actually see what you've got left!

Mrs Smith said...

Have you read the Barefoot Investor? We live on a shoestring and fresh air, but his tips have helped us get it together... Well, improve our money habits, anyway. I'm not great at frugal. The word reminds me of a rude joke my Dad used to tell that had 'frugal me' as the punch line. Pity the rest of the joke is lost in the mists of time.

suzy said...

Those super big trays of sausages you get at the shop have got us through the tough times and the savings time.

Ben and I have eaten more sausage casseroles, sausage sizzles, deviled sausages, sausages and mash than I care to mention.

I hate sausages.

Anonymous said...

Story of my life Lex. Money is a bitch!

A few months back I started putting money onto the big bills each week. Im now in credit on the phones & water bill but the stupid electricity company won't direct debit so I just have to pay that one myself. Small payments each week are easier than one HUGE payment.

Home brand stuff is OK. I do about half & half when I shop & really you can't tell. I cook / bake from scratch so most of my baking things are homebrand, as are my pasta, rice, marg, tin toms. Mince is your friend. It can be done a million ways!

Call all your providers & make sure your getting the best deal. Phone, insurance & banks are the best ones at making sure they keep you as a customer.

It's no fun at all counting your pennies but it'll work out xx

Michelle said...

Move to Tasmania!


lisa :: the red thread said...

Oh I hear you! My tip is shop at Daiso for lots of things - everything's $2.80. Great for kids birthday party gifts and lots of household and stationery stuff. But it's hard not to put everything in your basket... that sort of blows the budget.

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

electricity bill is our killer too! I have no advice to give- just tea and sympathy and an agreeing nod. xx

Anonymous said...

We get our main fruit and veg at the addison rd markets every week - good price and super fresh so it lasts all week.
We have been cooking a lot of yummy lamb shank stews or spag bol - they stretch out quite a bit and there is always quite a bit to freeze and have another night or four.
I try and have nice bread, cheese and pickles / relish in the house so I always make a sandwich rather than by tempted by getting take-away / going out to get lunch all the time cause I think there is "nothing in the house to eat".
I am a bit of a nut about this, but we turn off every appliance / lamp / computer / TV etc at the powerpoint when we aren't using them (apparently it saves about $150 - $200 a year).
We buy a massive tub of laundry powder from the hardware store about twice a year or so. It works out about a third of what it costs in the supermarket.
We buy our oil in bulk from Fratelli - it's really good oil and it's a lot cheaper than getting lots of bottles at the supermarket.
I try and have a big clothing eBay once or twice a year - I try and be pretty brutal about things I haven't worn in a while / things that don't fit properly or suit me etc. That extra cash has come in handy many a time!
We've also made a pretty conscious decision to live in a flat rather than a house as the running costs are heaps cheaper. Kid is nearly three so we'll see how long we can strecth it out!
Despite all of this - I am shit with money; and at the moment it's perrrrr-ittty TIGHT

Mrs Sabbatical said...

Cut up the credit cards. Ouch, I know it hurts, but if you don't have it, you can't spend it

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

At least Australia has colourful money!! The old Italian Lira used to be funny, look at me, i'm a millionaire - at the exchange desk!!
Bake from scratch, breastfeed, cloth nappies, i did all those things, totally adds up to mega savings with a large family. I tie all my errands into the same car trip.
Basically we married young & had a tiny single salary (i was at Uni) & all those savings & investments totally paying off now. Now we get to nod that having lots of children makes for rather large private school discounts, yay, love Posie

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Oh just read the credit card tip, yep, no credit cards, especially when you're a housewife & don't have an income. If i can't afford fuel, my husband takes my car, isn't that neat?? Basically long & short of our life is that my husband goes to war & gets paid extra, that is the only way we have survived without asking our wealthy parents for hand outs. In return, we have our privacy & know exactly where every penny goes, is saved & the worth of spending. Love Posie

zigsma said...

Oh, god yes - so tedious. Our utilities company direct debit every fortnight an averaged out amount. $40 a fortnight is much more manageable than a whopper every quarter. We also have a gold coin jar. You'd be surprised how quickly it adds up.

Luna said...

Credit Cards + Scissors = SAVINGS!

I've been a SAHM for 3.5 years and this year we are finally able to relax. The Credit Card was the first thing to go and slowly but surely, paying off our debts in order of priority and affordability just worked. Then of course, doing most things from scratch, buying cheaper brands and cooking big pasta meals to freeze. The extreme for us was going without an overseas holiday for two years. Tough but doable, car trip holidays!

We are now doing what Reannon Hope mentioned, paying off each bill and then making regular credits to stay on top. With this large bill you have (like us!) call the Company and make fortnightly debits until it's paid off. Trust me, they'd rather have the money in some way than not at all. Goodluck Lexi.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Beans on toast.

Luna said...

how strange to find this in my inbox tonight...