Thursday, 6 September 2012


The Doctor is a mad keen word fantatic. He's seven, and has just finished reading Harry Potter, the first and second books. Yikes I haven't even read one.

He loves curling up with a good book on the weekend, and reminds me of a younger me - lying in the sun devouring books in a day. Nothing beats the thrill of a page turner.

It is a joy to see him enjoying the written word. There's so much to be gleaned from a love of words. Well in my book (pun intended) there is.

I was sent the game Bananagrams. I've seen it around the traps but never played it before. But my goodness, it is a really good game. We've been playing it after dinner. In fact the Doctor likes it so much he'd play it at every opportunity.  Before school, after school. He even tried to bring it with him when we went to Cockatoo Island the other day.

No scoring (which is great in my book), just playing all the letters to make adjoining words. Good old-fashioned word nerd fun.

I foresee long rounds of Bananagrams during the school holidays.

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. Bananagrams was sent to PMM to try. Honesty is the best policy. It's a great game. I like it. The Doctor likes it. Matt likes it. Tiny likes joining random letters. I think you might like it. I wanted to share.


Small Catalogue said...

I do love a good game. Have you played Pass the Bomb (Kids)? It is seriously THE. BEST. FUN.

Rachael @Mogantosh said...

Bananagrams....filing that one away for Christmas. Nice one.

CC said...

Looks like fun. It reminds me of "speed scrabble" that we played as kids using regular scrabble tiles. Much better than waiting forever to have your go on normal scrabble.

Mrs Sabbatical said...

We are a banagrams house too! Love it lots of fun for us to have with Cray as Scrabble is a bit too intense xx