Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Day 3:: Frocktober - South Pacific Silliness

With only 28 days of Frocktober to go, I knew I had to step things up. Shake them from the very core. I'm so rock 'n' roll sometimes it hurts me late at night. I know you know how I feel. Especially because when you had studs added to your favourite biker boots, you had the studs put on the inner of your shoe. Yeah. Me too.

So here's me: South Pacific Stylie. I'm about to wash that man right out of my hair and dance around with Honey Bun. I'm cray cray like that. 

But before I give you the lowdown and the scoop de la scoop on this particular frockie, let me tell you a little ditty about a Tiny girl in the city.

This morning when Tiny saw me getting dressed in this little number she said: "Mum... You look a bit fat... Not a bit thin in that dress."

And that's when the belt was added. I made friends with my belt today.

Might you consider sponsor me? Sponsor me! Do it! Go on, do it! I promise I have even more special frocks to share. And did you know Tiny is doing Frocktober too? Day 3 and she's still into it. Together we are going to help slay ovarian cancer. 

Today's outfit:   
- vintage handmade numbermade from some unnatural fabric - picked up for fiddy cents at a flea market
- belt - my Mum's vintay-ge
- scarf - vintage

Gold star, top of the class. 


Small Catalogue said...

Don't you bloody LOVE the honesty of a four year old? Except when you ask 'who made all that mess in your room' of course; then it is lie town all the way to the naughty chair.

Love the look Lexi! You go girls!!

lisa :: the red thread said...

Ah the brutal honesty! I took a selfie last week which I thought I looked kinda good in... I asked Miss 8 what she thought. The reply: "Mum, it's like that Bupa ad where they meet up with their younger selves". I hadn't even photoshopped it. Yeah, thanks. I think.