Thursday, 1 May 2014

Making Nutella Ice Cream. It's Ah-MAZING!

This is the best ice cream you're ever going to make. Ever. 

I've been using the KitchenAid ice cream bowl attachment - and it's so ridiculously simple to use, I would be crazy to buy ice cream. Especially when it tastes this good. 

So I've been making Nutella Ice Cream for the kids, but secretly, I've had a few spoonfuls too. 

PottyMouthMama's World Famous Nutella Ice Cream AKA The Best Thing Going Pty Ltd:


2 cups of pouring cream 
2 tablespoons of sugar (I use brown)
1 cup of milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract - or a vanilla pod if you have one fancy pants
1/2 cup of Nutella
handful of chopped chocolate

First things first: 

Pour the cream and sugar in together and whisk. Whisk it baby, until the sugar has dissolved. 

Then toss in all the other ingredients (except the chopped chocolate) and mix until combined. It is imperative at this point to have a taste. 

And then have another taste. 

And then throw it into your KitchenAid ice cream maker for 25 minutes. Once it's done churning it will be a beautiful thick consistency, and usually the mixer will make a slight clicking noise. 

At this point, I remove from the mixer, and stir through the chopped chocolate pieces. Honestly, these are like nuggets of gold. But not a deal breaker. You don't HAVE to have them. But my goodness, you'll be loved if you do.

Now transfer into an airtight container, and freeze. 

Once set, it's ready for serving. 

I would show you a bowl of the ice cream, however my children always lick their bowls clean, and that's not demonstrating much. So you'll just have to take my word for it. 

Take a look at the KitchenAid range here

1 comment:

Robyn said...

It terrified me to learn what was in ice cream, and the texture... Oh my - will break out the maker and try this this weekend!