Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Golden Globes: Oh. Dear.

Erin Wasson. Did your cat run up your skirt and shred it? And you forgot a slip? Crikey. Happens to me all the time.


gemma @ loz and dinny said...

Friggin' hell - I just finished reading The Emperor's New Clothes to Edie - how very topical, non?

Anonymous said...

Why not go to the Globes in the nude? She may as well have. HIDeous.

Jacki said...

Yikes! It's not pretty at all. What was she thinking?!

Bree said...

Will someone give that girl a Combantrim and a good roast!!Not loving that outfit either!

dear olive said...

Oh my god! I'm shocked! It's truly hideous. Kellie xx