Monday, 27 February 2012

Oscars: Gwyneth Paltrow + THAT Cape

Gwyneth sporting a bit of Tom Ford here on the...

You know what stands out about this photo? That carpet isn't so much red, as it is burgundy. Or as though someone spilt a barrel of vino across it.

Nevertheless, let's look at Gwynnie.

She looks pretty darn amazing. Love her hair. Love the simplicity of this frock, and the cape? It makes her look like an incredibly glamorous superhero.


Angela said...

I looove this Lexi, she looks just like Barbie heh? she is gorgeous and funny how you have an obsession with Michelle Williams, I have one with Gwyneth for sure xxxxx have a great week, its so much fun looking at dresses don't you think?? xx A

Jodi said...

Don't love it. Seems Michelle wins again (one of my friends wore a replica yellow Vera Wang on her wedding day - amazing)! X

BabyMac said...

And let's take a look at that GODDAMN body shall we? Can you even begin to imagine what that would look like on a normal person?

She looks amazing.

Shontelle said...

She is one gorgeous woman. And that cape is rad!

Sally Joy said...

I too am obsessed with Gwyneth. OBSESSED! If we ever meet, we will be BFF for certs. Me, Gwyneth and Jennifer Garner...