Friday, 17 February 2012

The Very Lovely Robyn Lawley

Have you met the very beautiful Robyn Lawley? Apparently she's a plus-size model, but really she's just bloody gorgeous.

She's Australian, she's 22 and a beautiful role model - she's a very normal, very healthy size 14-16. And she has the most beautiful, healthy attitude to her body.

In my book, much more beautiful than skin and bone, she's a real woman to be celebrated.

I read an interview with her in the new issue of Madison and I have to say, I am totally smitten. There's a cute video over yonder too of her working it for the cameras for the cover.

There needs to be more positive role models for all our daughters. A celebration of sizes.

"Normal size can be beautiful and you don’t have to be skinny or skeletal. There’s huge pressure for women to always be slim but I always find a little bit of curve is nicer to look at.”

Check out her Robyn Lawley Eats here. All sorts of foodie inspiration.

By the way - have you checked this out over on A Cup of Jo?

images via and here and here


Nikki @ Styling You said...

Love her - totally fricken gorgeous

Helen said...

she is beautiful and real! i don't understand how she is considered 'plus size'!

one claire day said...

Completely beautiful. So refreshing xx

Victoria said...

She is just beautiful, I dream of looking like her after this baby,
but what I don't get is how is she a "plus size"?

TruthandFashion said...

Absolutely love Robyn! One of the best.

Anna Lloyd said...

Yup, gorgeous. How is she plus size?