Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Met Costume Institute Gala:: Kim Kardashian, Emma Watson, a Countrylink seat, Ginnifer Goodwin and a Crunchie Wrapper

Before ANYONE says anything, I can see what Kim was going for here. But alas, I think the gloves went one step too far. And the fact that there's barely any flesh showing. Big mistake. Yes, on the flipside, there's a big split up the skirt, but it doesn't save poor beautiful, blooming Kim from looking like some Victorian wallpaper. Let it be said, I do love her understated hair and make-up. She is radiant. 
 I really love Emma Watson. Effortlessly stylish, a real English rose, she's just beautiful. Unfortunately, I don't feel the same about this frock. Matt described it as a sheet that's been wrapped around her, and that her boyfriend has come and snip-snip-snipped it in some precarious places. Normally I wouldn't like the torso cutaway, but I think it looks so good on her, I just don't dig on black. Yawn. Boring. 
 Certainly not boring is this person's dress (if you can call it that) fashioned from some old Countrylink seating. And the trim? The can opener thingie from Coke cans she collected along the street. On a positive note, she does have fabulous pins. 
Ginnifer Goodwin is NOT my favourite star, mainly because she reminds me of a girl I once worked with who I didn't get along with. Poor Ginnifer. I know it's not fair. And neither is life. Or the fact that your make up artist wanted to try out her new Stila Smudge Pot for the first time - and well, thought it was a colouring in competition and things got a bit heated and heavy handed. Either that or you asked for some eyebrow extensions and BOOM! It is of course customary to leave on a highnote, and for me, this dress is a winner. 
A lot of Crunchie wrappers died for this dress. Positives? At least the bordello down the road knows where their harness went. 


Steph Bond-Hutkin said...

You are the BEST at this!

small catalogue said...

Kim stole my ugly arse curtains and embraced her inner Fraulein Maria - I would definitely wear her gear for play clothes.

Kirsty Bunfield said...

Gold commentary!!

Soulserger said...

What is going on with that dress on the girl behind Nicole Ritchie?

Lilli Sparrow said...

Too funny as usual Lexie... All I can say is I agree on your assessment posts of the laies frocks...a 'a Stila smudge pot colouring in competition'! Just gold!!!!

Lilli Sparrow said...

Ladies* not laies...