Monday, 28 April 2014

Logies 2014:: Paula Abdul, Someone in floral, J'Aton Again, Shelley Craft, Emma Lung, Michaela Banas

I just wish Paula had asked MC Skat Kat to the Logies as her date. My life would have pretty well been made. 
I have no idea who this is, and I wish I liked this dress, but I look at it and think let's go on a picker-nicker. In fact, even if I did know who this is, I wouldn't be looking because the print is so busy. 
 J'Aton strikes again. This time with a netball skirt underlay and some boobie highlighters. 
Shelley Craft looks like a mega-babe. I really love this look on her. There's proof there is life after overalls and workboots. 
No. No. No. Emma Lung. WHAT were you thinking? Where was the slip? Did Alice McCall forget to send it across? Stop the madness people, and organise your lingerie better. I can't stop looking at your granny undies. Is that what you want? 
Michaela Banas looks like a babe. Simple. Black and white. BOOM! She nailed it. 

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