Friday, 2 January 2015

My New Arm Party - You're Invited (Sp)

I am pretty excited because I got a new watch. You might think this is a bit old-fashioned. That's fine with me, but it's part of my master plan. 

To spend less time looking at my phone, and more time being in the moment. 

I'm pretty chuffed with it. It's already changed my life a little bit, because I wear it when I am walking instead of carrying my phone. I can be in the here and now, and quick glance at the face - and I know the time (and the date too, which is ace because it always slips my mind). 

2015 is going to be my year of organisation. Watch me go (pun intended). 

I had been looking for a watch for a while. I perused what was on offer on OzSale (loads of great pieces!), and found this Kenneth Cole classic men's watch. The cogs started going - this could potentially shift my mind, and then I couldn't wait for its arrival. 

It's chunky, black and I love what it brings to my arm party. And given OzSale offers designer fashion at discounted retail prices of up to 80% off - it means I got my watch for next to nix. 

Shop OzSale now. 


Candice said...

That is a v nice watch. I gave up watch wearing in the 90s because the tan line was so embarrassing to my teenage self. I need to find a watch I love and stop being such a vain tool (and use blockout).

Lexi Kentmann said...

You are SOOOO FUNNY!!! I do have a pink Swatch too, and I love that. I do love a watch as accessory. Come on, get back onboard! xxx