Thursday, 12 March 2015

The case of the disappearing Lexi

Time flies when you're... super busy. 

It's been a while, yes it's been a while. But I've been lurking. Thinking. Dreaming.

One of the highlights of being on hiatus was hanging out with Em from Little Tienda, at Little Nicki's house while being photographed by Luisa Brimble

Honestly, it was a brilliant, bright, wonderful day and I had so much fun! 

Spending time with three excellent strong, talented women was a real coup for me, and filled up my buckets. You know what I mean? When you hang out with people like that you can't help but feel buoyed and inspired. It was really good for my soul. 

Other than that I'm madly trying to get my reading on (I was aiming for two books per month, but hit Feb and FAILED!), working my way through Orange is the New Black (like a true TV binger) and last night I had a little too much champagne. Oops!

Clearly the shoot was the most exciting thing that's happened to me in a looong time.

What's been cooking in your 'hood? 


Candice said...

You look smashing! Filling buckets is the thing. We've had a pretty rough start to the year. Serious illnesses and lost friends... awful. We've been filling our buckets with books, swims and normal days of boring routines. And watching Grantchester which I was given for my birthday and is now on the telly. I'm absolutely smitten with the Rev. Sidney Chambers. Phwoar.

I recently read Samantha Ellis' "How to Be a Heroine" and absolutely recommend it. Personal memoir with splashes of literary and feminist theory - it resonated. Oh and Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death was also wonderful (and not just because Sidney Chambers was in it).

I hope your bucket keeps filling with all the good things x

sarahscustard said...

Your antennae are very impressive. ;)

doum said...

Love the yarn details in the antennae, too.

Nicole Valentine Don said...

I feel exactly the same way about our day together! You are a true wordsmith to be able to describe it all so perfectly x