Monday, 3 October 2016

Frocktober 2016: Day 3 - Gingham good enough for a picnic!

Day 3 and the sun WAS SHINING! 

What can I say that we all don't understand about the pure delight of a long weekend on the back of a week of holidays?!

Sleep ins, long walks, games of Bananagrams, extending reading time, lying in the sunshine in the garden. All of it - beautiful. 

Now I'm heading back into long commutes, big time busy, and werk-werk-werk-werk-werk. 

It was fun while it lasted! 

Today it kind of felt like a Sunday, so I chose an old favourite - this Witchery gingham tunic. It's been a long-time favourite, and felt perfect for the sunshine with a pair of sneaks. 

If you've not donated already - I'd really, really love you to! For the price of a cup of coffee, you could make a dent in my $10,000 goal. If everyone did that, I'd be a happy woman! 

Go on. 

Dare you!

Dress: Old, old Witchery


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