Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Land Ho!

Noah has swimming lessons on Wednesdays... Wednesdays are a leeetle tricky, because I have Scout, and as everyone who's had a baby knows, there's no such thing as perfect timing - so I have to do my best to get to the pool early to get her settled, Noah ready, and also myself - as I have to grace the world with my non-pool-perfect body. Snigger snigger.

Thankfully, there is a woman there who has a son who is 4, and he does the classes with the teacher and a little girl - so the mama is sitting on the sidelines.. She's so super dooper lovely that she's offered to look after Scout while I am fine-tuning my synchronised swimming routines.. Or rather, helping Noah negotiate putting his head under water without swallowing a few mouthfuls of heavily chlorinated water.

What makes this woman even kinder is that she has a baby girl just four weeks older than Scout - so I am sure it's the last thing you want to be doing is minding someone else's bub for 1/2 hour.. But man, she is a good woman, and I am super dooper lucky.

So today to say thank you - I took her a hot, hot pink begonia.. It was so pretty, almost flamingo pink. Which kind of reminded me of one of my sister, Choccy Bangles recent posts of things she's lusting after.

Anyway, swimming went well. Noah's confidence has grown immensely over the past few weeks, where at the first week he was crawling into the water like a lil' old man, today he was bounding down the foam and jumping into my arms. But he's a boy who definitely knows when enough is enough telling me, 'I'm finished' on more than one occasion. Or even 'I'm not doing that again'. You can't argue with a mind already made up.

We finished up with Noah walking around in the pool (he can touch the ground in the shallow end) and then telling me he wasn't doing any more swimming, he was dancing instead. Funny little guy.

Afterwards we rushed home, me juggling three separate bags (which makes me think DANG! - I need a new bag) to feed Scout, get Noah's lunch and get them both into bed so I could get some work done. Sigh. Back to work so soon, thankfully it's just small bits and pieces at this stage before things start to ramp up later in the year.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm coming over to teach Noah to blow big bubbles. Maybe he could practice on a teeny weeny little someones tum tum.