A couple of weeks ago on a beautiful Sunday afternoon The Doctor started painting a box. Not just an ordinary box. A car-box.
While we were soaking up all that Springtime goodness, The Doctor painted like a crazy man-child.
The end results were this totally awesome car. We pimped his ride with the following accessories:
- rear vision mirror fashioned from foil and pipe cleaner for maximum flexibility
- steering wheel on a pipe cleaner to allow for power steering
- tail lights - patty cake pans
- head lights - tin pie cases
- an exhaust - a toilet roll
- mag wheels - created from coloured in newspaper circles
- windscreen wipers - pipe cleaners and cardboard
- windscreen wipers - pipe cleaners and cardboard
But I've just realised the little dude has been driving around for the last few weeks with no number plates. Sheesh! Lucky I realised before he got pulled over by the kiddie-craft police.