Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Project Pyjamas

It was week three of sewing on Monday. I'm on the home straight for the spotty jammies, the top is waaaay too big, but hey - it's going to be Summer any minute now (once we get through this rain and cold and grey-misery), and it's better to be too big than skin tight, so the Doctor will be sporting some kaftan style pjs a la Imran Khan. Fashion-forward is what I call it.

Speaking of style zeitgeists, I've been indulging in Project Runway Australia . Addictive. I'm warning you. I've been making Matt watch it in bed with me. Now he's hooked too. Maybe this is a new addiction to curb my bin diving addiction. There's really no better way to kick an addiction by starting a new one, is there? That's what they teach at Betty Crocker's Rehab Clinic (Betty Ford is so yesterday) where I should have been ensconced. Anyway Project Runway - I love the drama. The snitchy judges. The briefs (not their knickers). The fabric choices. The personalities. The frightening fashion. And the very fabulous fashion.
So Monday night I pretended I too was a Project Run(a)way competitor. Spotty jammies in hand. Sew, sew, sew. I have a vision people, wonky stitches will not get in my way!

Next up on my steep sewing learning curve is a top. For me. Stay tuned, I am going to rock the frock, and I sew to glow.

And since I couldn't possibly have convinced the Doctor to try on the top (too many pins, too many hurties) for photos here's a little picture of a small find at the church sale. Cute huh? And someone had thrown that away.

One last thing! Buckle up readers because the ever-observant Cindy from bugandpop (she's a badge carrying member of the kiddie craft police) commented on yesterday's post - the car - where was the seatbelt and radio...? Well there is one of each, I just neglected to mention them - oops.

- seatbelt - one of my Dad's old ties (just waiting for turquoise and brown paisley satin fat ties to come back in - but for now, it's got the Doctor hooked in tight)
- stereo/air-con - egg carton with stickers for buttons

How's that?