Tiny and I went for a quick op-shop this morning. In fact, we didn't just go to shop, we went to deliver goods. First off we were greeted by the rudest woman alive. With babe in arms, I was struggling with a large box of glassware etc under the other arm. She instructed me to put it on the floor. Without forcing Tiny into some mad sort of contortion, I declared that I couldn't physically do it - you try it, it's not easy unless you've been doing some sort of exercise (me - nil - youch). Then I asked (very nicely mind you) if she'd mind if we came in the back door rather than pounce right around the front of the shop. We had just made two trips backwards and forwards from our car that was parked about 50 metres away, juggling all sorts on our return trip on the pram and in my arms. No mean feat. So it was easier if I just came in the back way, with me?
"I don't think your pram will fit."
"Oh righto, I'll just leave it out here then."
"You know, I'd prefer if you didn't leave it out here, I'll get in trouble." (From who, the pram police?!)
"Right, ok, well I'll give it a shot."
---> Rudest lady alive just watches me pull the pram in.
"Thanks very much for your help."
So I do the rounds. Find a few things. Put a few things back. Struggle to get some soft toys from Tiny's grip (because, you know, I struggle with secondhand soft toys, all that saliva and oddments of old food - eek). Just after I had paid, I spy a ginormous chocolate box. Vintage. Bigger than a shoebox. I read a small label on it:
Contains embroidered linen & doilies - the lot for $50.
Work with me here people. My heart is ga-goong, ga-goong (BTW - did you know that Jennifer Grey had a nose job and subsequently vamoosed her career?). I went through the lot totally beautiful. Incredible. Clearly a woman's life work. Amazing. So many gorgeous pieces, tatting, embroidery, oh wow. And then I left it there.
You see, I'm trying to spend less, save my clams, declutter, and stop buying things that I really have no need for.
But now I can't stop thinking about all that beauty just sitting there.
Quick...go back!
GO. BACK. NOW! do not hesitate, NOW!!!! you will regret it forever if you dont! :)
Oh my giddy aunt, go back..please go back! I'm sure that if it isn't what you were thinking then you would be able to sell it on and get your money back. I really hope you get it!
If you left the shop but can't stop thinking about them, then you need it.
Sometimes when I come across something beautiful and worthy of much more than is being asked for it, I will buy it, enjoy having it for awhile, and then list it on ebay. (or just keep a part if the lot and list the rest) Then it will go to others who also will treasure the work and skill that went into making the work. Sometimes I come out ahead money-wise and sometimes it breaks even, but I always enjoy "owning" the things for awhile.
You KNOW she went back right after she hit PUBLISH. You KNOW she did.
Hope you went back:) so worth it...
I have issues with op-shop ladies like that. What's the deal? Mothers with young children must be some of their best clients?
oh crap!
That stupid rude woman is unlikely to work TWO days in a row.
That kind of expenditure is ENTIRELY justifiable. That is A Find.
Ok you need to brave the rude cow and GO GET THAT BOX!!!!!!!! In Paris,I tried on the PERFECT apple green cardigan/wrap thingy.PERFECT did I mention that?? I didn't buy it because the $$ conversion was cruel but I think about that perfect apple green cardi at least 150 times a week.See?????? Go get that treasure!!
You have to go back!
If it was me, I would have thought about it all day and then, jumped back in the car!!!
There's stuff you don't need and then there's....
Oh my gosh, go back, go back!
I understand your angst. If you truly truly do not have the money at all to spend (i.e. you would have to give up eating, having toliet paper, gas in the car or other vital life stuff) then let it go. If however, you lay awake at night dreaming of it and it will not bankrupt you to buy it, then return and see if its still there. If it is, buy it, if not then the universe was telling you that it needed to go elsewhere in its travels to be loved by someone else. I look forward to seeing what happens.
For goodness sake go back!!! Please!!
PS Thanks for your sweet comments about my lastest furry peeps.
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