Friday, 4 September 2009

(An Incredible and Yet) True Story

For weeks now I've been finding piles of sand at our front door and wondering where they are coming from. At first, I thought it was just stray sand that had made its way back from the beach to our house in clothes, shoes or sand toys. I swept it up and continued with my day.

However, the next day, another small pile of sand would have taken its place. I swept it up again thinking that perhaps after all it was a small creature that was setting up home near our front door, making its own sandy mansion (a la Cleopatra) and nesting. I swept it up and continued with my day.

And then we come to today. Today is when I had an incredible epiphany. And remember folks, this is a true story. Brace yourselves for the truth is about to unfold.

I discovered where this sand pile was coming from.

Not from cheeky sand sneaking home from the beach. Oh no.

Not a sneaky little ant or bug of some sort setting up digs. Oh no.

Would you believe it came from this vicious (door) snake (well not this one because this one is not mine - mine is just boring, but this one, this one is cute)? This snake has been spilling sand all over my freshly swept floors and it's only taken me more than a couple of weeks to discover this. Sherlock Holmes I am not, Steve Irwin I am not. Homestyle detective buster, yes. Yes I am.

Dear Matt, book me in for my lobotomy pronto. x