Thursday, 3 September 2009

I'm (Not) A Celebrity (But) Get Me Out of Here (Anyway)

'We're not in Kansas anymore Toto. And I'm expecting a tornado through these parts any moment now. Oh wait, it looks like it's already been.' - (not) from the Wizard of Oz
Seriously folks, I am tidying up our house. I've been selling stuff on eBay. I have a boot full of goodies for the op shop. I am recycling like a maniac. And yet, our house looks as though a paper/clothes/toy bomb has exploded. Where oh where have I gone wrong?

I've lost my tidying mojo and am willing to live in this cesspit of debris because there are no homes for all this stuff. I've even discovered a box that hasn't been opened since we moved here four and a half years ago.
In times of mess and more mess, what's a gal to do? How do you deal with the clutter and paper traps?