Friday, 25 September 2009

When The Chips Are Down

I'd like to just fast-forward straight to the weekend if I may. I'm sure no one would protest?

This is one of those weeks when Mamas should be paid danger money (for all the stinky nap-naps, snotty noses, late nights, co-sleeping with legs askew and just plain gross things we have to do). I'm sick of this week and am saying so long suckaz to it.
If I had to come up with a highlight I'd be totes scraping the barrel at saying I've really enjoyed the discount on Lindt chocolate at my local IGA ($2.99 a block -yeeehaaaw!). I mean, if that's the best this week has to offer, then something's definitely wrong.
So in a bid to oust the sickness, boring-ness, and just plain fuddiness, the Doctor, Tiny and I visited the nursery to bring a little green into our grey-ness.

I've been blatantly snaffling cuttings of neighbour's geraniums (a la Cath at Chunky Chooky). I know geraniums are not for everyone, but when I think of Paris, I think of looking up at those high apartments with the flower pots in the windows, with colour oozing out. And that's what I want in our home. Except we're not in Paris. And we're not living in an apartment.

So I've doused the stems in hormone powder and bunged them in a pot. This is a no-brainer. A confidence builder.

The Doctor and I also bought some cherry tomatoes. My Mum told me that they were pretty simple to grow, so we're having a go at those too. And some basil. Anyone for some bruschetta in a few months?