Thursday, 22 October 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 22: Exploring


The Doctor has been online exploring, sitting side-by-side while I clock up some work time. It's quite handy, and I think (or am I just brainwashing myself) quite useful for him to be learning some computer skills. Data entry may be just around the corner. Just kidding.

You might be aware of all that's online for little kids to play with, but we're just on the cusp of learning. We've fooled around on the Yo Gabba Gabba (or Yo Givva Givva as the Doctor calls it) site quite a bit. And there's oodles on there, with their signature upbeat and retro styling - what's not to love? Old stylie games (would it be naughty to admit I loved playing Planet Pong??), heaps of videos (with loads of good music - The Shins anyone?), and even gizmos you name it, Yo Gabba Gabba scores big time. While the games are good, some are a little advanced for our little four and a half year old. Unless you want to sit there assisting. Which trust me can become tired after a while.
The Wiggles site is also a winner. Easy games for the Doctor to manipulate and navigate. He spent a loooong time on here. There are puzzles, online colouring in, memory games and so on.

Playschool. He hasn't got to this one yet, and I have blogged about the Playschool site before. It's a good one and includes simple recipes that the smalls can make too. It has plenty of project ideas too. Printable colouring pages. Birthday party ideas. Useful box activities (in alphabetical order no less). It's cute. I like it.

Do your smalls visit any websites?