Wednesday 11 November 2009

Basil and Babies

The Doctor's been taking photos of our garden. This one is a little blurry, yes, but it does show how our basil, under the gentle guidance of the Doctor/Horticulturalist (try typing that ten times fast) is beginning to grow quite quickly. And see those small yellow flowers? Yes well they are our tomatoes. They're already fruiting up beautifully. We are getting super excited!

Winners of the Sooki Baby giveaway are:

- 15: Amy Paul at Life With Soul
- 4: Yoo hoooooo Ellieboo
- 1. Suzy at Floating World

Woot Woot! Email me your deets and I'll get your prizes sent out. Thanks to everyone who entered. You're all top sheilas.

5 comments: said...

really cute baby pics!! wish i could grow basil!!

tea with lucy said...

What's the Doctor's secret? I've never had much luck with basil. . . or corriander, for that matter.

Ellieboo said...

Woo hooo - you have made my week - which has been a tad boring since chocolate has been stricken from my diet. Will send address details asap - YAY

zofia said...

mm, nothing better than tomatoes and basil :D

Sarah said...


lucky girls!