Today the two smalls and I went to the park. I was meeting a friend who has children a similar age. We started chatting to a new mum who had just moved into the area. I asked for her phone number as we were about to leave to go to our next 'thing'.
It's my new thing. I've met so many mums in the park and never asked their number for fear of looking like a dork. It's something that I have occasionally regretted. Particularly because I am not exactly heavy on friends who live close by. Today I asked for her number. I am crazy like that.
On yesterday's post front, I'm not feeling particularly lonely/sad, it's just that I always do think about that proverb. My family is incredibly supportive, they just don't live conveniently next door (and they are interested, yes! they are). But sometimes it would be good to have other offers of help. I always feel a pang of envy when I hear someone say, 'oh blah blah is looking after the kids so I can clean the house.' Silly to feel envy about cleaning the house, but without two smalls - pure luxury!
And as an aside, wouldn't it be interesting to remove the stigma of being lonely or asking for help, if everyone started talking about it? It wouldn't be so shame-inducing!
The Doctor and I have been working on some Easter decorations. I've let him be the Cruise Director, so we made a HAPPY EASTER! poster. It's an eclectic array of drawings, painting, stickers and cutting and pasting. I quite like how it's turned out, and it's fun to sit with him and let him direct it. Tiny had a wee bit of work on this one too.
PS - there's a giveaway over at Fat Mum Slim's giving you the opportunity to win your own Jumi shoes.
I can totally relate to what you wrote about yesterday and good on you for asking the new mum for her number.
Perhaps I should have come up to you and said hi when I thought I saw you last week but alas my shyness got the better of me. Next time (if there is), I promise :)
Yeah meeting new people is really fun.I too like this.
home based data entry
Having moved down to the coast just over a year ago now, with my parents 2.5 hours away, I completely empathise. It took me a little while but I realised that other mums felt exactly the same. Just takes one brave soul to break the ice and bingo, instant friendship are made. Good one for having the courage.
My mum and dad only live about 10 minutes away and I still get what you mean about having people to help out.
Good on you for asking the mum for her phone number, I am going to try and be that brave next time I meet someone too. (Cause my mothers group experience was the same as yours.. I do meet with my cousins now and their little ones and we have our own mothers group, but still it's always good to have more friends with kids going through the same things you are)
Oh I just entered the shoe giveaway, thanks for that!! Good on you for giving a complete stranger your number :-) Since we moved to Canberra from Brisbane we have made a real effort to know our neighbours - it makes such a difference. But the closest family we have is 3hrs away and you just learn to cope I guess. When I am especially grouchy about lack of help I think of all the single mothers, armed service wives etc.. but it does help to be a part of some sort of community....
Wow. I can't believe the timing of this post. I just emerged from my smalls's room after a whole 14 hours of solo parenting where the only adult I spoke to was an old dude at the supermarket. I came out of their room thinking, "Yeah, I reckon that third child might not be such a good idea" given the lack of support. The Mr is away ALOT and both sets of grandparents live two hours away. Sucks. So I reckon you did an awesome thing and we should do more of it! Especially considering we (in the western world) are the only ones who parent in such an isolated way.
Hmm sorry for the essay! And sorry I missed yesterdays post but I will head there now!
Ah, good on you for getting her number.
I was in the supermarket in my late pregnancy and started chatting to a mum who had just moved to the area from Bondi. She was cool, her 8 month old kid was cool and we got along really well. It only occurred to me to get her number once I had walked down the aisle and around the corner. But I thought that might be a bit stalkerish of me, you know, the moment had passed.
I'm going to follow in your footsteps and get those numbers from now on.
Good on you for getting her number. It can be so hard, with two and I am in a similar situation with my two without much family who are close... and yes cleaning the house without kids is totally pure luxury.
I sooo can relate to the jealous feeling, understand where you are coming from! And yes it is a hard and lonely job at times, this mother business, you are not alone x
Hah - I know exactly what you mean! I have a 3yr old and a 6yr old and didn;t know anyone at all when we moved here - I shortly after became pregnant with my elder daughter. If a nice person on a crafts forum hadn't offered to bring something to me (she only lives 15 mins away) I'm sure I would have stayed fairly isolated (hubby works away during the week too) Because of that friendly person (I now count her as one of my good friends) I am now the one offering my number to everyone in the playground and chatting like mad in the park. In fact I'm having a group of my younger daughters friends round after nursery tomorrow for lunch and a play while the adults chat and drink tea. In fact I'd better go and tidy my house a bit before then!
Phew - sorry for the long essay!
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