In my days as a Mum I can fill my time with all sorts of important stuff. Like picking up Lego. Like picking up nappies that have been tossed aside by the likes of Tiny. Like folding endless piles of washing. Like avoiding the ironing pile until it topples over and the smalls have to cross it like a small creek of crumpled clothes. Like I said, important.
As a distraction I've cast my mind on ways to keep Tiny in her bed - when she's actually in her bed. Inciting the excita-bugs. I cast my web out to the network that is the interwebs, googling 'til the cows came home. And when they didn't return, I cast out my call out to my Twitter pals who totally came to the rescue when it comes to ridiculously cool linen for a bed with cred.
Here are some of my favourites.
Castle Bedlinen: Holy smokes - I love hotel grade bedlinen, and I love yellow, and I love spots. This combines all three. That hand-printed cuff is divine to the power of divine.

Who wouldn't want Dwell Studio's 'Dots Chocolate' duvet set (am setting myself up for chocolate dreams, baby!)

And Australian designed Kideko's Sunshine bed set. Bright and YELLOW! Me likey.
...juggling a poo-smearing daughter, and yet still shopping for beautiful lnen...lexi, you are truly an optimist. good luck with the lady-boy flu, hope it passes soon (like the poo-painting phase.)
ps- my verification word is 'enonf'..perhaps what you'll be begging Tiny through your snuffly nose tonight?
I'm sorry. I know it's not funny, but it's
We have a weird discount place in town. Hotel sheets all $5 - super quality ! I buy them as practise fabric (as well as sheets).
When Miss 18 (OMG) was little we bribed her with a bananas in pyjamas doona cover.... - I am old !
My word verification is whammoula which is exactly what I'd need for those sheets.
Hope you are all much betterer soon.
I'm loving the linen sunshine, but confess I couldn’t quite take it all in. So distracted am I that you actually have an ironing pile. Hat off to you lady. I had to gave up on those yonks ago...
Very nice linen selection indeed. I bought 3 of those tencel sheets for our bed before bub came along and they are That good. (I got them from Target. On sale. El Cheapo) I mean, we still sleep in dried wee and spew at night, but at least my cloud of a mattress underneath lies unharmed.
Hope you're all feeling better soon. x
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