I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I'm not sure what to make of it. I bought some, but I've never used it. I'd much rather wash my hands than put that stuff on, and what ever happened to the immune system doing its thing? I have used hand sanitiser once or twice (in hospitals or at a nursing home) but I always feel like my hands are a bit dirty. A bit.. covered in chemicals. A bit unnatural.
But I'm throwing it open to the floor - what do you think of hand sanitisers? Do you use it?
I've had to use it at hospitals and nursing homes too, but I don't usually use it. Hubby went on a hand sanitiser kick after bub was born and insisted I try it. It gave me a rash and I have not used it since! I am quite happy to wash my hands with soap and have a refillable liquid soap bottle in each bathroom and the kitchen! I worry that we are trying to be too clean and are causing bigger problems.
Pre- child no. I work in a place that usesd it all the time so i do use it at work but carry it in my car now in case hands are really filthy and Busy is about to eat. But i know what you mean about is it worse to be covered in chemicals?
We are not claen freaks at home and only use eco friendly cleaning products so I kind of feel like its ok. Also I only use it at times- like after a yuk public toilet visit or something...?
You made me laugh. I've recently developed an inexplicable fetish with hand sanitiser. It happened on my trip to the States when friend introduced me to it. I have no idea why I grabbed onto the stuff, and no idea how long the fad will last.
I think it smells funny.
My best friend is a nurse and forced to use it at work. She hates it and people in healthcare know that by and large it doesn't really do much to stop gastro outbreaks in hospitals etc. Not to mention the fact that it makes the skin peel off her hands like a lizard.
So, it's a big thumbs down from me!
I prefer soap but when you've just got in the car after leaving a particularly gross client or home it's good to have some sanitiser available. Likewise if you have to change a nappy and there aren't any handwashing facilities around.
I agree - they may lead to problems if they are overused. I've also heard stories (urban myths??) of children licking their hands after applying the hand sanitiser and ingesting the alcohol and other chemicals (to their detriment). I use a product made from natural ingredients that claims to kill the bugs, but who knows...
I don't like chlorhex gels at all. At work I take the time to walk to the sink and wash my hands between patients. The soaps are bad enough, but as someone else said, antibac gels make your skin peel and then they become a breeding ground for the very infections you're trying to prevent.
That said, I'd rather my healthcare professional use gels than nothing at all.
(but the way - back to word verification today's is hororr! Do you think google can read???)
Water and soap, hand sanitiser...I don't mind either. In fact I don't really care how you wash as long as you wash. The primary way that infection is spread (particularly in hospitals) is people not washing their hands. You would be surprised how many people don't do it, including health professionals who should know better (yuk).
When I was in India it was my best friend... but unless you are traveling and not always near a sanitary water source I don't think it is much use?!
I don't particularly like it either. It makes me feel even dirtier.
I wash my hands too much though, but I can't help it. x
I wouldn't ordinarily be in favour of sanitizer over soap and water, but I got a little nuts about it when I had a bout of giardiasis while pregnant (continuing until after bub was born - I *really* did not fancy passing that on). Strangely, I found that the one containing Aloe Vera is kinder on my poor eczema-tainted hands than soap and water so many times a day, so I'm not so anti-sanitizer any more!
WE only keep it in the car for when traveling and FORCED to use a public toilet and there is no soap. At these times you will love the hand sanitiser. Or chanign a nappy in the car, see above.
i work with animals so use alcohol gel sometimes for that but i only use chlorhex to treat wounds. it's great stuff for treating infections and preventing infections for vulnerable wounds/animals/people but shouldn't be needed normally.
i also used the alcohol wash when i was in china.
Hate the stuff, always feel like I've forgotten to do something....oh that's right....wash my hands!! Also as someone who worked in Chemistry I find it hard to intentionally put chemicals on my skin, no matter how "safe" they might be. Oh and nail polish and remover only gets used outdoors, never inside and that's a legacy from Chem as well!
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