We're back from visiting my Mum and Dad in my hometown of Tamworth. Yeehaw.
It's so sad to be back in the rush of the city. But we're back. For better or for worse. At least for now. Until I can convince Matt that a move to Tassie is where it's at. Or somewhere where the pace of life is at least a little less manic.
How was your Easter? Do tell!
I'll raise your 679 eggs with that plus 327 M&Ms (bunny poo, in case you were pondering).
Tassie is definitely where it’s at. Currently in negotiations.
Tassie is nice but bellingen is better. Its warmer.
Yes, massive chocolate overload here too, but I'm just going to push through and keep eating more.
And Tassie - YES YES YES. Have found a perfect house, I just have two step kids I have to think of a way of getting there with us too!!
Our Easter was FAB!
I am slowly coming out of a chocolate coma and I too am planning a week of exercise!
Do it do it do it.
Only three months into the move and we couldn't imagine going back to the city.
We talked about it for years before we finally took the plunge....
Went to my family in Wagga Wagga. Every time we go we day dream about moving to the country... and then driving home, turn into Crown Street in Sydney just feels like coming home. TORN! (and full of chocolate.)
tasmania is tempting us too. i also gave in to the hundreds of easter eggs and used writers block and birthday as excuses. more ashtanga yoga for me this week. you look hot in your black tee and sunnies by the way
PMM, I know why you're so hip now, Tamworth is where all the good people come from!
Tassie is on my radar - big time. Bit cold, but.
Yes, yes, come to Tassie! We'd love to have you here!
We made the move to Tassie two years ago (From WA) and have never looked back. The place is stunning, they support and nurture the arts, people are friendly, it is like stepping back in time (in a good way). Highly recommended.
come on down- it's lovely here!
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