Wednesday, 14 April 2010

I Forgot Our Bookcase

Matt and I are enduring some sort of book apartheid. My books are not allowed near his. It's his rule. Not mine. Same with my CDs and his. They are not mixed. He keeps them separately. I have questioned him numerous times about this to no avail.

So for now, books and CDs are segregated. There will be no co-habiting for these forms of entertainment.

It's for this reason that I forget I have books. And it's for this reason you would have seen me on the ground today clambering along the length of the floor looking at my books which are in piles because they don't rate as high as Matt's art books. Mine are wobbly towers, which, after I withdrew a couple of books toppled over and I still haven't mustered the patience to re-build them. Perhaps that's an activity for the Doctor and Tiny tomorrow?!

So in my hot little hands for a re-read are:

I have enjoyed the recommendations that everyone shared with me. I am going to take a look at them and make some book-lovin' purchases. Will keep you posted!